Occurrence of Hair Transplant

Hair transplant and its benefits
In this contemporary era where technology has taken hold over, hair transplant has basically become essential nowadays. The reason that why has it become important is that firstly it is one of the most economical surgeries in town. Secondly, if you don’t really feel pleasing to opt for surgical procedures then hair transplant is your solution. You can select between surgical and non-surgical procedures according to your choice.

The procedure of Hair transplant
Do you feel anxious regarding the process of hair transplant? Let me explain it to you. Hair transplant is basically done by removing a hair follicle from the back of your scalp and then grafting it one by one to the bald area. In this way, the bald surface will start getting hairs in a natural way. The surface area from where your hairs are picked is called Donor area. This all process is done through local anesthesia and it usually takes six to eight hours.

Who are the actual patients?
Not everybody is a patient of hair transplant. You actually need to know that when and why you need to have hair transplantation. Losing 50-100 hairs a day daily is a sign of being healthy. No need to feel anxious if such a normal amount of hair is dissipating. However, the situation becomes alarming when you start losing an enormous amount of hairs every day. This could obviously worsen your situation even if you are taking hair treatments. Now, this is the actual time to get a hair transplant. However, before selecting a hair transplant treatment, always make sure to consult your surgeon before.

Do you really need to get vacations?
Before getting a hair transplant in Rawalpindi treatment, it is necessary to at least get a one week vacation off from your work because of the healing process. I would not recommend you getting a hair transplant during a busy schedule.

Aftercare treatment of hair transplant
  • Avoid drinking alcohol at least till one week after the surgical procedure
  • Quit smoking until one month after the surgery is done as it could suspend the flow of blood towards hair follicle which is important for your hair’s growth
  • Don’t reveal yourself towards sunlight

I really hope this article benefitted you regarding the knowhow of hair transplant. I wish you the best of luck before opting for a hair transplant!


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